Friday, July 10, 2009

Some have taken the enmity in verse 15 to mean that people would be afraid of snakes – especially women. While there may be some truth to that, not all despise such creatures. Not only that, but using only this meaning robs this verse of its richness. This is the first verse with a promise from God, who can’t lie.

In speaking to the devil, God singles out the one responsible for the serpent seducing Eve. God will always get at the root of a problem. Far to often in human circles, we treat secondary causes. This isn’t just because of laziness – sometimes we don't' always understand full that there are underlying causes.

However, whether sins of omission or commission, ignoring the root cause of something is sin. The root cause of a problem is not always as black and white as humans want it to be. This is why we must always be led by the Lord, and filled with the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 5:18) The Greek word “filled” here is a word which means “controlled.”

Let’s use a thief as an example. If that thief steals because he has never found Christ, he needs to find Chirst so he can stop stealing and trust in the Lord for all his needs. A person who is on that path must be gotten off of it before they begin a life of crime. But, first, that person must be shown why stealing is wrong. They may need to be shown an entirely different way of living, based on god’s Word. Just saying “don't' steal” does no good. Yes, the Israelites were told this as one of the Ten Commandments, but remember that they had seen God’s power and might. They were His chosen people. They had the society that some people don’t have. Certainly, thieves must be punished, but God’s number one purpose is to see souls saved. And, that thief may not be able to stop stealing until he is told an alternative.

Remember, Adam was given an alternative to eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, after all. He was told he could eat of every other tree. We must trust God, through the Holy Spirit, to direct us in how to approach every situation. We must realize that, as humans, we can’t do it ourselves. We don’t have perfect knowledge. We must get at the root of the problem to help a person to get rid of that sin. That’s why programs such as Reformer’s Unanimous are so important, and so successful. They help people get at the root cause of their problems.

Getting back to the verse, notice that the promise is made to put this enmity between the devil’s seed and the woman’s seed. Why isn’t this promise given to the man? Because Jesus Christ would not come from a man. The first Adam brought sin into the world. It is through the man that we all inherit that sin nature.

What, then, is the devil’s seed? It is all who follow after him. Our Lord Jesus Christ, when he was in His earthly ministry, announced that very plainly when he said the Pharisees were of their father, the devil. (John 8:44) The devil is the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning, and the begetter of all things evil. His seed are all those who follow the world’s ways, ways that are the complete opposite of Christ’s.

It’s so wonderful, then, that this promise is given! Because, we all fall short of God’s perfect glory. All of us have followed that evil way at one time, because of our fleshly nature. It is only through Christ’s redemptive work that any of us can be changed on the inside, and come to know Him as our Savior. We go from being the sons of darkness to being the sons of light!

See, too, that this promise is unbreakable. God says this will happen, and when God says it, that settles it Some people have missed the promise here, perhaps because God doesn’t tell the woman this directly. But, who He tells doesn’t make it any less of a promise. God’s Word will always prevail. And, the seed of the woman, Jesus Christ, would and has bruise the head of the devil.

Why the head? Because it’s the most important part of the body. The Lord dealt a death blow to death itself when He rose from the dead victoriously! Now, people don’t have to fear death. Some do, because they don’t realize that by simple faith they can go from darkness to light. By simple faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and His finished work on the cross, each person can become a wonderful new creation, and then grow closer to Christ’s perfect love and goodness till it’s time for the Lord to take them home.This fact was foretold right here in the Garden of Eden. It was made before God even passed judgment on Adam and Eve for their sin. Because, he wants to show mercy.

But, notice that the devil’s seed would bruise the heel of the woman’s seed. A bruise to a heel is not lasting. It causes pain and discomfort, but it heels quickly. So, too, Jesus was in the tomb for three days, then rose from the dead. Certainly, snakes nip at peoples’ heels, but not all snakes do this. Those commentators who think this is just about snakes never considered the mighty boa constrictor, which squeezes the life out of its prey. They never considered how some snakes can get up off the ground a little bit. This is clearly a reference to the devil, and how he would interact with Jesus.

But, there is one other thing it refers to. Remember, John 1:12 promises anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ as Savior has the power to become the Sons of God. They go from being the seed of the devil, to being kinfolk to Christ. The saved are no longer of the devil. And yet, he continues to nip at our heels, constantly trying to bring us down. The aches and pains caused by life are awful at times. Thankfully, to the saved person, all it is is like a bruise to the heel. Painful fro a time, but then, heeled and all better. Because theahces, pains,a nd injuries of this life are not worthy to be compared with that which is to come! (Rom. 8:18) There is constant enmity between the devil and those who have received Christ. But, one day, in heaven, that will all be over.