Monday, July 6, 2009

Gen. 3:13

This problem with communication is not just a male problem, though. God gives Eve the same chance – He lets her have the chance to accept blame. However, she refuses, too. She simply says that the serpent had done it.

Whether we blame the devil or not, however, we are still the ones who ultimately choose to sin. God understands our weakness, of course. He will always provide a means of escape, so we can bear the temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13) Sometimes that way is to flee quickly. Sometimes it is to recall Scripture – which means it requires preparation. Sometimes it is the peace that passes understanding (Php. 4:7), so we can get through tough times without giving up hope. Whatever way it is, however, we must rely on the Lord for it. Eve tried to do it all on her own, without the Lord’s help.