Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gen. 2:23

Gen. 2:23

Bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh – What an incredible description of the ideal couple. There may be a God-sized hole in each of hearts that only Jesus can fill. However, the great love between spouses in the ideal situation should be such that they come close.

As we shall see later, Sarah called Abraham Lord, but it was not blasphemy. She was not ascribing Godlike virtue to him. We must never put any person on a pedestal and see them as Godlike! That includes those in authority. She was simply showing that he completed her in such a way that his love for her – and hence her devotion to him – was very near that unconditional, perfect love of God’s. Her devotion to him therefore led to a title of great reverence. To argue it any other way is to threaten to ascribe Godly characteristics to man, and that is a very, very dangerous thing.

Let’s look for a second at what this implies, then. The ideal couple should be one where the man bestows great respect on the woman (Eph. 5:25), just as they complete each other so fabulously, that there should be that incredible honor, because she was made for the man. (1 Cor. 11:8) this is bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh. If only men could grasp this incredible thought, they would never treat a woman selfishly, but would give themselves totally for her. She is a gift from God so incredible, that the right woman is literally going to be – to the man – such a part of her that when she hurts, he hurts. They should cater to each other’s needs out of a desire to provide unselfish love and comfort to each other, because they are one flesh.