Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gen. 2:22

God formed Eve out of a rib, not out of the dust of the ground? Why?

For one thing, if he had made the woman out of the dust like Adam, they would be able to mate, being the same special, but there wouldn’t be that special connection that man and woman are supposed to feel as husband and wife. There are, of course, some animals which stick to one mate their entire lives. However, that is merely instinct, and while they might feel something, there is nothing like the joy one has when finding that one, special someone with whom they want to spend their whole lives. It is so magnificent; words can’t begin to describe it. The ideal spouses must complete each other.

Also, remember that this was before sin came into the world. The ideal situation is marriage between two people who love and complete each other. This isn’t always true in our fallen world. There are people who won’t find a special someone like that. For them, it is better not to marry, as singleness is a gift, too.

This does not mean that God didn’t create a special someone for them. We don’t know if He does or not. He may have a special someone for everyone, and that someone – perhaps through no fault of their own – never even meets the person they were intended to marry. This doesn’t mean God was caught off guard in such cases. It merely means that God – knowing the choices people would make – gave that person a gift of being single, knowing that their perfect help mate would not be available for them.

The situation in our fallen world is far different from the situation here, however. In this ideal situation, God brought the woman to the man. It’s a wonderful picture of marriage. God – the Father – gave away Eve and united the two. It’s interesting that – even in the very liberal times we live in – men still follow that wonderful tradition of asking the daughter’s hand in marriage. If there is no father, they as the one who had the most to do with raising the woman. It shows great respect. It recognizes that the future groom understands the great love and devotion that the father should have for his daughter, and that he wants to pledge to provide the same great love and devotion.

It is often said that women will marry a man who is much like their father – or like whatever male role model they can find. Women who have been mistreated can still become stable, loving wives and mothers, and they can still find good, caring husbands. However, they must be careful to see God is the model of what a true Father should be. It is only through Godly, unconditional love in relationships she can feel fulfilled.

This is why some go from one man to the other so much. They have had no truly loving, giving male to guide them. It has often been said that there is a God-sized hold in each of our hearts, that only Jesus Christ can fill. And, it’s so much more true of someone with no father figure, be that a father, an uncle, a grandfather, or someone else.