Monday, May 4, 2009

Gen 2:16

The devil has tricked people into thinking that God never gives us choices. This verse proves that God loves to give us choices. If only Adam and Eve had focused on what they could do. They could eat of the fruit of every tree of the Garden, except one.

Choices within rules are always there. Sometimes there can’t be very many choices within the rules, but there are always some. Even strict “no” things – like “don’t touch that hot stove – contain things which may be done instead – like “you may play nicely with this, this, or this.”

Here, God shows His love for us in that He tells Adam specifically what he can do. There is only one restriction, which we’ll get to with the next verse. But, first, God tells him that there are many things he can do without breaking the rule. God is not in the habit of just implying things. He communicates very clearly if there is something which is definitely right or wrong. This is one example. He spells it out in such detail that Adam can’t miss it. Why? He didn’t want there to be any confusion.

Today, on the other hand, the devil had clouded things. The Gospel is hidden by some because they confuse it with works. God never meant for works to save Adam. Adam was already in the Garden of Eden – he was already there by God’s grace.

What he had was untested creature holiness. In other words, Adam could sin if he chose to; he hadn’t yet been tested. It was the same with the devil and all the other angels. The devil had been the beautiful cherub which was around the throne of God. (Ez. 28:13-17) He chose to try to take over and be “like the Most High.” (Is. 14:12-14) His pride brought him down once he was tested.

Now, Adam had the same choice. He could do many things within the rules, though. There was just one thing he couldn’t do. That was named in the next verse.