Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gen. 6:19-20

We see here God has a plan for the disaster that is to come upon the earth. He will not totally destroy creation, but instead he will make a way for a new world to be formed.

It is interesting to note that's in verse 20 we see the animals will come to Noah. It is interesting because there were probably no world's oceans between continents like there are today. This confirms the idea some scientists have that a single large continent once existed. Geologists refer to this as Pangea.

Later, we will see that not only did the rain start coming down but the fountains of the deep would start rushing up and overflowing every thing. It has been shown lately that the oceans contain springs. These springs undoubtedly contributed to the oceans of the deep expelling the water. However, massive earthquakes would also have opened up fissures that would allow water to rise up out of the earth. Thus Pangea would have been broken up not in the slow process geologists who have a time frame of many millions of years think. Rather, it broke up in a very rapid and violent process.

We can see something for today's world also, in how we do not just go out and win people to the Lord. (Of course it is not we but the Holy Spirit who wins souls, but the point is we do not only do so by going far away.) many times, those opportunities to reach the lost come to our shores, to our communities, to us. We have an obligation to help those who come to us. Yes, it can be frustrating when those from other places come and take our jobs and resources. But we must understand that, first, these are all worldly things and we should focus on the souls of men and women. But secondly, the world is going to act like the world because they do not know Jesus. Whereas if we share the Gospel with them they may wish to receive Christ and take the good news of the gospel back to their homelands.