Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gen. 10:1-7

Gen. 10:1-7

The table of nations, as it is known, begins here.

It is unclear why God only mentions certain descendants beyond the sons of Noah. We know that everyone is important to the Lord. So, perhaps He only includes those who actually founded large enough cities which then would grow into nations.

This is quite plausible, since not everyone has the personality to lead like that.

Some people, like a Gideon, live quiet lives until called upon to do great things, and not everyone in that generation is called to do what that one mighty man of Valor did. God doesn't expect us all to do amazing things. Rather, He has a special plan for each of us, and for some, it is to quietly raise children, work at our jobs, and be the best examples of Christ we can be wherever we are.

Another possibility is that the others started nations, but were quickly conquered before anything could be done.

In each generation, there are people who are oppressed because of the ways of sinful man, and who cry out to God for justice. And, He delivers the justice, but in His time.

Remember the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Lazarus suffers in this life and goes to Abraham's bosom, where people went before the crucifixion when the veil was torn in two from top to bottom and they were free to enter Heaven. The rich man who had oppressed him was in torment, and God said that he had had his good things in this life, but because he did not trust God for mercy and show mercy to others, he did not get to go to Heaven. Oh, if only he had realized he was a sinner, and trusted God for forgiveness. God would have led him to show mercy to Lazarus for Christ's sake, and to all those who were oppressed, and then by virtue of his faith in what Christ would do on the cross that rich man would have been in Heaven.

Of course, it is also possible that these people died violently before they were able to do anything. Perhaps they were caught up in sin so much that they never got to accomplish anything. This is the sad state of some people's lives, that they never get around to accomplish the great things God could have given them to do because they were so caught up in their own sin.

Whatever the reason, we see that one very important man began to rise above all of them, a man who would attempt to build the first major world empire, just as people do today.