Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gen. 6:6

Gen. 6:6

It repented God

Let's be perfectly clear, God is perfect. He never has to say oops, He knows all possible things that could happen and how it will, but He gives us free choice.
This term means God felt sad. In fact,  the verse says also it grieved God in His heart. He wanted so much for people to do what was right, and instead they had become worse and worse.

It wasn't just that, the spiritual warfare was horrible,  as the angels which left their rightful place and followed the devil were totally interfering in people's lives in some fashion. As noted, how isn't as important.

However, one thought that I read about is important enough it bears mentioning as a possible warning about the end times.

Remember that we don't know what the Mark of the Beast will do, but that Jesus warned us that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of His coming. We also don't know what the technology was in the days right before the Flood,  though that isn't quite as important for this idea. However, an Edison, say, who lived 800 years could do a lot.

So, if fallen angels were interfering with mankind so much back then, and they come back to draw people away in the end times, too, as is plausible, then it is possible the Mark of the Beast could change our DNA to make us no longer human, and thus not able to be saved.

DNA study, after all, is a wonderful thing if done right, to help people live healthier. It can fall into the wrong hands, though, and be used for much evil; look at the horrible tests Hitler s evil followers performed with far less technology.

This could mean, too, that back then people only were worshipping the forces of darkness and trying to be as God in the way the devil tempted Eve. Yet, that people in the End Times will be offered enhancements that would make them no longer human. Or, it could be the Mark of the Beast will just come with something that leads to devil worship.

Either way, the warning in Revelation is clear. The Mark could be implanted in a chip in the skin right now, but the Tribulation isn't here yet as of this writing.(February, 2015).

However, this could be getting read later, during the Tribulation. If you read nothing else, heed this:

If there is a requirement as you are reading this or later to get a mark in your hand or forehead, OR if you have a chip or something like it already and you are required to get something implanted in it, some sort of upgrade, and you won't be able to buy or sell without it,  DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK.

Call on the Lord Jesus Christ to save you and forgive you of your sins, believing He died to take the punishment for your sins and rose from the dead. Yes, it'll cost you a little time on this earth, you may lose your life via beheading for your faith, but you will spend forever in God's perfect Heaven with no pain, no suffering, no tears. Those who take the Mark, though, will spend forever in a place of fire separated from God's love.

Whoever is telling you to take that Mark will seem mighty persuasive.  It may sound like the best thing possible.  But, you must follow Jesus instesd, because the Bible clearly warns that individual or entity or group is evil. Just like the evil before the Flood.

But, if you are reading this before these things come to pass, we are still in the Age of Grace and will be will "him with letteth,' the Restrainer," that being the Holy Spirit, is taken out of the way. . You can trust Jesus Christ as your Saviour now, and unless you are in a dangerous part of the world you won't have to die for your faith - though even if you are, the suffering of this world isn't worthy to be compared to the glory which is to come.(Rom. 8:18) So, trust Chrsit and love your enemies, share Jesus' goodness with them so they can see a difference in you. And, go someplace like so you can have others to talk with and help you grow in Christ.

However, beware – there will be great deception to come on all those who reject God’s perfect love and salvation.(2 Thess. 2:3-12) You might fall victim to that if you don’t trust in Jesus Christ to save you now. You also might die before you see these things come to pass. So, it’s vital that you trust Jesus Christ as your Saviour by faith now, for today is the day of salvation.(2 Cor. 6:2)

And, by all means, read the rest of this blog, too. I pray it will be a blessing. And, who knows whether in the Tribulation it may be all that is available. There is already so much evil out now, just like it was in the days of Noah.

And, that evil had totally corrupted everything.