Saturday, January 24, 2015

Gen. 6:1

Men began to multiply

The number of people who could have been born staggers the mind. As noted, Adam and Eve had 77 kids according to some tradition. Even figuring that sin entering the world meant some may have died early of disease or violence from other people or animals, there could have been billions on the earth.

Each of these souls was precious to God, and while it was not the age of Grace, still salvation has always been by faith. The hall of fame of faith in Hebrews 11 shows this. Even though only the greatest of the great are mentioned, it still shows us that throughout history, God has provided a means to be saved from sin that is opposite of man's way of trying to work to get there.

Works salvation is impossible because it leads to pride, which leads to boasting,  and than is sin as people try to puff themselves up rather than give full credit to God and Him alone. In a world where so many were, and where so many were seeking to reach God on their own, it proves what Jesus would say later, that the way to Heaven is narrow.

Daughters were born

From the history passed down from Adam and Eve, they knew women were special. Yes, sons were important because they knew so little about how thw promised Redeemer would come, except that He would be seed of a woman. However, dau h hers were special for another reason, the ability to one day bear that seed and, in the meantime, to be Godly, virtuous examples who should marry Godly, virtuous men and form unions in marriage - which God had ordained before the Fall of mankind. The two could be one flesh and have a relationship which  glorified God.

That us not how it happened, though, as we will see in the next verse.

(And, discussion of "sons of God" and "Nephilim" will be kind of lengthy, so it could take a few days to write up. it won't be a break like the 5 years of before, though - I'm pacing myself this time :-) Thanks to all for reading.)