Thursday, January 14, 2010

Gen. 5:1

These verses provides us a good place to summarize some information given in the notes on Gen. 2:4 and other places earlier in this commentary.

The generations of

While it is, of course, possible that this marked the beginning of something which may have been written by Noah, or another rpatriarch, it is highly unlikely. As noted before, the Spirit could easily have used this as a place to divide different sections, especially since now, we focus entirely on the line of Seth. God supernaturally used human writers to write what He wanted, while still somehow allowing each to retain his individual style. Therefore, He could easily have inspired Moses to write all of this history.

In the day that God created man

In other words, we are now going to discuss the line of Seth, who came from Adam. God is, first, explaining that it started on a certain day, at a certain time when He made man.

Likeness of God

See Gen. 1:26 for a further explanation of what it means to be in the image of God. He wanted to be able to fellowship with us, to have things in common. And, He still does today, if one will just put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse them from their sin, believing that He did all that was necessary to save them when he died on the cross for them, shedding his perfect blood, and rose from the dead. One must simply receive Him as Savior; “To as many as received Him, gave he the power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. (John 1:12)