Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gen. 2:25

Adam and Eve not only had the perfect marriage, they had perfect innocence. They were naked, and were not ashamed.

This bring to mind how some people groups have been discovred, in very temperate climates, to be without clothing. What is the difference? Matthew 5:28 is a good place to start � because there, the Lord tells us that if a person looks on another in lust, that person commits adultery in their heart.

It is not just the state of nakedness that made Adam and Even unashamed. It was the state of nakedness, and the fact that there were no lustful thoughts, no selfish desires. If they had conceived in this state, and bore children, and a society grew, the people would not have lusted after one another. Instead, as the first chapter of Romans warns us, if people continue in their lusts, eventually they will totally become reprobate. That means they will follow only their lusts, and nothing else. Clothing allows a civilized society to prevent that. This is why it�s so important now for people to wear clothing.

It is, of course, possible to go overboard � modern day Pharisees disallowing even the showing of a married couple sharing a bed went too far, because for a married couple to have twin beds was unnatural itself. It divided the couple. A married couple together in a bedroom with one bed, clothed decently, would not create lustful thoughts. Such sights would draw one to wholesome thoughts. A viewer would think, �This is the way it is meant to be, a warm, affectionate married couple, but one that keeps their nighttime activities behind closed doors, because it is for them alone.�

We will discuss the errors of legalism and liberalism more when we consider the next chapter. However, the point is this. Even as Adam and Eve were naked, there was no danger of that nakedness inviting lustful thoughts until the Fall. Hence, they were not ashamed, because they knew no lustful thoughts would come from either of them.

Not only were there no lustful thoughts, there were no sinful thoughts, period. Remember, Jesus often made it a point that sin comes from the heart. Sin always begins with the heart. The heart can bring lovely thoughts, too, of course. This is why Philippians 4:8 is so important, a verse that should be hidden in everyone�s heart, that they might not sin against God. (Psalm 119:11)

Adam and Eve had no problems with sin in this verse, however. This state of innocence was one that allowed them to develop freely. If they chose, they could have composed incredible psalms of praise to God, painted rich, beautiful landscapes, allowed their imaginations to soar to incredible heights. They were unburdened by sin. They didn�t have to worry about the depths of evil to which man would later sink. The shckles of sin always stifle creativity to some extent, whether it is because the person gets preoccupied with something more worldly, because they are burdened by sin and must deal with the guilt, and for many other reasons.

Sin has robbed us of so many great minds. Think of any performer who died young. Think of any athlete overcome by substance problems or injury. Indeed, think of the greatest performer or athlete who has managed to live their lives for the Lord. Any one of these people could have accomplished so much more. Indeed, our first parents, Adam and Eve, could have done so much more. The world was perfect! It was theirs to do with what they wanted, as long as they obeyed that one command. They had a perfect relationship with God. They would keep the garden, and do things in a way that would honor and glorify God, because they still had that relationship with Him. It was a perfect world.

However, they chose to go their own way. The first two chapters of the Bible, filled with awe and wonder at a perfect world, now descend into a world of sin, untilt he last two chapters. It is a story riddled with sorrow.

And yet, one great thing shines above all that evil. That is this. That God, in His grace and mercy, knew they would make the choice. Yet, instead of making His creation mindless robots that had to listen, He gave them the choice. He lovingly coaxed them to listen. And, when they didn�t in His grace and mercy, He loved them anyway, and calls back to Him any who will come and receive his free gift of eternal life, through the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, who took the punishment for each of our sins. All we must do is repent � turn from our sins � and receive Him as Savior.